If you have a web page created by someone else, you can edit the text easily. Here's how: 1. Download your web page from your web directory to your computer. 2. The name of the main page should be "index.html" or "index.shtml". Open this page in your favorite text editor. 3. At this point, it's always a good idea to save a copy of your file under another name (like "index2.html"), so if you make a mistake and can't figure out how to fix it, you'll have a backup. 4. Look for the text you want to change. Go ahead and change it. 5. Save your changes. 6. To see your page before you publish it, fire up your web browser, and point it to the page you're working on (for example, C:/my_documents/mypage.html) 7. If you like how your page looks, upload it back to your website. 8. To view your newly edited page on the web, go to your URL (ie http://www.yourdomain.com) and refresh (reload) the page by pressing the "reload" button or by pressing F5 on your keyboard. You can also find free web design programs to maintain and edit your pages at: http://coffeecup.com/freestuff http://kompozer.net
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